Turkish authorities arrest more than 200 in Istanbul over banned Pride march

Turkish authorities arrest more than 200 in Istanbul over banned Pride march

Issued on: 26/06/2022 – 20:50 Turkish police on Sunday broke up a banned Pride march in Istanbul, detaining more than 200 demonstrators and an AFP photographer, journalists and organisers reported. The governor’s office had forbidden the march around Taksim Square in the heart of Istanbul, but protesters gathered nearby under heavy police presence earlier than

Ucraina, Zelensky: “Negoziati complessi per evacuare Azovstal”. La Russia ha interrotto le forniture di elettricità alla Finlandia – Mondo

Ucraina, Zelensky: "Negoziati complessi per evacuare Azovstal". La Russia ha interrotto le forniture di elettricità alla Finlandia - Mondo

Nel suo ultimo video il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelenskiy parla di colloqui “molto complessi” con la Russia per far uscire gli ultimi difensori dallo stabilimento Azovstal di Mariupol, aggiungendo che Kiev si avvale di “intermediari influenti”. “Le forze russe bombardano costantemente le acciaierie nel porto meridionale di Mariupol, l’ultimo bastione di centinaia di difensori ucraini

Ukraine war a lost opportunity for Turkey’s westward outreach

Wariness of boosting Recep Tayyip Erdogan ahead of 2023 elections that recent polls suggest he could lose have also undermined chances of meaningful trade or investment deals, including progress updating a European Union customs union, several diplomats said. | REUTERS

Ankara – Before traveling to Moscow last week, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stopped over in Ankara to meet Recep Tayyip Erdogan and praise the Turkish leader’s diplomatic efforts to end the war in Ukraine. Less than two hours after the two shook hands, a big part of the goodwill that Ankara has engendered in the

Turkey’s jailed rights defender Osman Kavala makes final appeal before verdict

Turkey's jailed rights defender Osman Kavala makes final appeal before verdict

Issued on: 22/04/2022 – 18:11 One of Turkey’s most famous prisoners made his final appeal for freedom on Friday, at the culmination of a years-long trial that has come to define Ankara’s tense ties with Western allies in the wake of a failed 2016 coup. Paris-born activist and philanthropist Osman Kavala was a relative unknown

Ukraine and Russia Resume Talks as Moscow’s Bombing Campaign Grinds On

Ukraine and Russia Resume Talks as Moscow’s Bombing Campaign Grinds On


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