Red-hot lithium boom pits Wall Street against the wonks

A view of a brine pool — part of a lithium mine on the Atacama salt flat in the Atacama desert in Chile. | REUTERS

There’s a fight brewing in the lithium market, after a controversial forecast from Goldman Sachs Group analysts set off a backlash among some of the industry’s most prominent experts. Lithium is a vital component of electric-vehicle batteries, which means the outlook for supply, demand and pricing is increasingly consequential. For years, a small group of

Borsa: Europa chiude in rialzo, si guarda alle banche centrali – Economia

Borsa: Europa chiude in rialzo, si guarda alle banche centrali - Economia

Le Borse europee chiudono in rialzo, pur perdendo smalto dopo il calo di Wall Street. Sui mercati sono scattate le prese di profitto dopo la performance negativa della vigilia e con le tensioni sui titoli di Stato. Gli  investitori guardano all’andamento dell’economia globale, l’inflazione e le prossime mosse delle banche centrali sulla politica monetaria, mentre

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