Uyghurs still push for accountability 25 years after Ghulja Massacre — Radio Free Asia

Chinese security forces prepare to face off with Uyghur protesters in Ghulja in northwestern China's Xinjiang region, February 1997, in a screenshot from a video of a Chinese television report smuggled out of China. Credit: UK's Channel 4 News report/YouTube

Massive clean-up operation. In the consequences of the crackdown, a short article titled “Lets discover the terrorist mask of East Turkistan terrorists” released by Chinas main Xinhua news firm called the demonstrators, “insurgents.”. Following the event, the Chinese government used the demonstration as a pretext to perform a year-long massive “clean-up operation” throughout Xinjiang under

‘Rampant’ illegal logging in Cambodia an ‘existential’ threat to Indigenous people — Radio Free Asia

Trucks haul away illegally cut timber from a protected forest area in Cambodia in an undated photo. Credit: Amnesty International/Private

Illegal deforestation and federal government constraints on forest gain access to are undermining the spiritual practices, land rights and livelihoods of one of Cambodias largest Indigenous groups, according to a report by Amnesty International provided Friday. The report, ” Our Traditions Are Being Destroyed: Illegal Logging, Repression, and Indigenous Peoples Rights Violations in Cambodias Protected

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