Anti-war protester arrested in Russia for holding up a poster saying 'two words'

Anti-war protester arrested in Russia for holding up a poster saying ‘two words’

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A video showing cops apprehending a female during a Moscow demonstration against the war in Ukraine on March 13 went viral earlier this month. The female was holding a sign that said, in Russian, “two words”– a recommendation to an anti-war slogan. Skillfully, her indication does not include the “war”, as a brand-new law prohibits the spread of what the federal government considers incorrect details about the intrusion they call a “unique operation”..

The woman was jailed by at least 7 officers who were wearing riot gear.Activatica, the Russian independent media outlet that filmed the arrest, sent our group a 2nd video, showing another woman being arrested after reciting a pacifist poem, proof that police are cracking down even on indirect speech.The cameraman who caught the arrest on cam while filming for Activatica, which is opposed to the war, sent us a longer version of the video. Each lady was fined the equivalent of 170 euros.However, if the ladies had actually used the word war, they might have been provided much harsher sentences.

Provided on: 01/04/2022 – 11:36

The woman was holding a sign that said, in Russian, “2 words”– a referral to an anti-war motto. The female was detained by at least seven officers who were wearing riot gear.Activatica, the Russian independent media outlet that recorded the arrest, sent our team a 2nd video, revealing another lady being arrested after reciting a pacifist poem, proof that cops are splitting down even on indirect speech.The cameraman who captured the arrest on cam while filming for Activatica, which is opposed to the war, sent us a longer variation of the video. Each woman was fined the equivalent of 170 euros.However, if the females had utilized the word war, they might have been provided much harsher sentences.

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