Era of lost connectivity on in-flight Wi-Fi may be nearing an end

Fast, reliable Wi-Fi on a plane is as unlikely as sitting in a row with an empty seat. But the era of lost connectivity while airborne may be ending. | BLOOMBERG

Fast, reliable Wi-Fi on a plane is as unlikely as sitting in a row with an empty seat. But the era of lost connectivity while airborne may be ending. A spate of new in-flight connection deals in recent weeks, including the first aircraft contracts signed by SpaceX’s Starlink satellite unit, aim to make high-speed Wi-Fi

Da Tesla a SpaceX e Neuralink, l’impero di Musk – Economia

Da Tesla a SpaceX e Neuralink, l'impero di Musk - Economia

L’uomo più ricco del mondo si è fatto da solo: ha costruito pezzo per pezzo il suo impero che, con Twitter, potrebbe crescere e diversificarsi ulteriormente. Al momento include il colosso delle auto elettriche Tesla ma anche SpaceX per la conquista di Marte, oltre a Neuralink e The Boring Company, la società specializzata in servizi

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