Sabato 25 giugno scioperano le low cost Ryanair, EasyJet e Volotea – Economia

Sabato 25 giugno scioperano le low cost Ryanair, EasyJet e Volotea - Economia

Si fermano nuovamente per uno sciopero sabato Ryanair, Easyjet e Volotea. “Confermato sabato 25 giugno lo sciopero di 24 ore di piloti e assistenti di volo delle compagnie aeree Ryanair, Malta Air e della società CrewLink”, scrivono unitariamente Filt Cgil e Uiltrasporti in una nota, spiegando che “la protesta rientra in una mobilitazione coordinata a

Ryanair leave Scots boy in tears after refusing to let him on holiday flight despite legal passport

Natasha said Ryanair had "made up" a rule stopping Ryley from boarding

An eleven-year-old boy was left in tears after Ryanair denied him from boarding a flight to Tenerife despite his passport not expiring for another four months. Ryley McGuckin, 11, cried and apologised to his little brother Barry, 7, after staff at Prestwick Airport claimed his passport had expired and didn’t comply with new Brexit travel

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