How to Celebrate Earth Day: 5 Family-Friendly Ideas

This April 22nd, people all around the world will celebrate Earth Day. It’s a time to celebrate our precious planet, and consider how we can care for her better. Rooted in a legacy of environmental activism, this special day invites us to unite in honoring Mother Earth. Growing up in California, Earth Day was more

Guys, I Learned a Magic Trick and It Slaps

File this under “the dorkiest post in CoJ history,” but… …these are the cute expressions I see… …when I perform my new magic trick. Who knew it was so much fun to have a trick in your back pocket? It all began one lazy morning, when I was lounging on my sofa and decided to

Best Foods for Colon Health: Colon Cancer Diet Prevention Tips

Let’s talk colorectal cancer stats. If our internet habits are anything alike, you, too, haven’t been able to escape headlines, reels, and TikToks about the surging rates of colon cancer in young people. Specifically, one in five cases diagnosed today is in a person under 55 years old—twice as many as in 1995, according to

22 Healthy Mushroom Recipes Packed With Flavor and Protein

Let’s forget The Last of Us for a second—mushrooms are incredible. And while the widely binged show may have been centered on a (fictional) mass fungal infection, mushrooms deserve their spot in the sun. In the award-winning documentary Fantastic Fungi, I learned that mushrooms comprise over five million species on the planet. Many are lured

The New 72-Hour Water-Cream That Hydrates Any Skin Type

The New 72-Hour Water-Cream That Hydrates Any Skin Type Written by: Jean Godfrey-June | Published on: March 31, 2024 Introducing a spring refresh for your skin: a new next-generation water-cream that works for every skin type—from oily to combination to sensitive to dry (like Gwyneth’s). In a study, 97 percent of the people who tried

Amazon Live Show Episode 81: Scrumptious Snacks

I devoted an entire show to healthy munchies for all the snackers out there (I include myself in this group!). This week, I shared four satisfying and nutritious snacks, including a scrumptiously seasoned edamame, a cheesy popcorn recipe, rice cakes with a tasty topping and an easy and filling trail mix that you can enjoy

Enchanting Honeymoon Destinations – Rosanna Davison Nutrition

Your honeymoon is (hopefully!) a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to celebrate love, embark on new adventures, and create unforgettable memories with your partner. From tropical paradises and exotic islands to romantic cities and secluded retreats, the world is brimming with enchanting destinations that are perfect for honeymooners. If you’re searching for the ideal honeymoon destination, here are

How To Slowly Add Plant-Based Food To Your Diet

There are many reasons why someone might want to switch to a plant-based diet – for ethical reasons due to the way animals are treated, for health reasons, or perhaps because you feel it’s better for the environment. Whatever it is, it’s something that more and more people feel is a good idea, but just

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