Girls think physics is for white boys only, MPs told

In response, Ofsted’s Dr Jasper Green told the committee that school inspectors were already addressing how to improve girls’ participation in science and maths, “but we are focusing on the quality of education, on early education, on subjects, and all of those moves are the right ones to encourage wider participation at A-level”. Source link

Ed Sheeran surprises Suffolk school with video message

Alongside Sheeran, other inspirational people include footballer Marcus Rashford, children’s author Beatrix Potter, BBC wildlife presenter Sir David Attenborough, teenage environmentalist Greta Thunberg, US civil rights campaigner Rosa Parks and pop star David Bowie. Source link

Schools: The difficulties of getting back to normal

For many the return to school life after the height of the Covid pandemic could not come quickly enough. But for some it has caused real anxiety. Attendance in Welsh schools has consistently dipped below 90% in recent months. Before Covid, it averaged 94%. Education Minister Jeremy Miles has warned fixed penalty notices could be

Schools: Caution urged on fines for children’s absences

A spokesperson for Plaid Cymru said: “During the present cost of living crisis where parents are already struggling to make ends meet, imposing fines on parents who take their children on holiday during term time, and on parents who cannot get their children to go to school, for whatever reason, is absolutely unjust, and could

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